The growth rate in ecommerce business during the recent years is commendable due to which the B2B and B2C ecommerce sales will be on the rise. Due to this immense growth the ecommerce developers are also following the emerging trends in order to enhance the productivity of their businesses and attract more users.
The ecommerce developers have a vital role to play in order to make any business compatible with the needs and demands of the users. The developments trends which are expected to be followed during the year 2019 in ecommerce industry are mentioned below:
Virtual Sales Assistant
Online shopping is getting more famous with each passing day as it allows users to shop without travelling. But the major things users miss is integration with a sales person. The trend of introducing virtual sale assistant has filled this gap and users are comfortable in online shopping as they can get their queries and concerns answered instantly in an interactive manner.
The modern bots are programmed in such a manner that they can process the queries of users and answer them as well. An evolving ecommerce web development trend is to integrate virtual assistant in the applications in order to engage users.
Automated Return Processing
Another hot trend which is expected to be followed in the year 2019 is to develop automated product return systems. With online shopping users are not able to test the products so there must be a seamless return system so that users do not experience unnecessary delays.
Mobile Shopping
With the passage time the number of users buying products with their smart phones in increasing. So another trend to follow is to develop ecommerce websites and supplication compatible with various different operating systems used in mobile phones.
22% of the total revenue generated from digital ecommerce comes from mobile phones so the trend for developers in 2019 will be to make apps which are easily integrated in the mobile phone optimized online stores and is responsive as well.
Internet of Things (IoT)
The ecommerce websites in which internet of things technology has been submerged will greatly enhance the user engagement by resenting real time data and analytics to the users. With the help of this technology the ecommerce websites will be able to track customer behaviors and analyze their interests in order to predict user’s behavior which will have a positive impact on the business.
Increased Security for Ecommerce Business
The credentials and details of users are extremely important and for the growth of ecommerce industry it’s vitally important that the data of users is secured. The developers have to come up with online shopping stores and applications with effective security levels implemented in order to avoid breach of data. The trending techniques used for added security nowadays include two-factor authentication, secret code or an extra password implementation.
Ecommerce Messenger App
It’s very important for ecommerce business to carry out one to one interaction with the buyers in order to address any possible concerns or queries. The developers are embedding messenger app into the ecommerce apps or website in order to make it possible for customer to interact freely.
If you are looking to develop eCommerce websites or Mobile Apps, then you are at the right place, eGlobal is expert in Ecommerce Solutions, get in touch for free proposals.
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